He goes by the name of Jim Stark
Vin Dicarlo is not his real name.. His real name is Vince K. I don't know what the K stands for...
His gf is not that hot.. but very reasonable as compared with Tyler's or Jeffy's gfs. those two have the worst gfs possibly on PUA land.
she used to fuck stephane hemon.. now fucking neil strauss
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He keeps asking these dumb-ass questions on his status everyday, makes you want to punch him in the face.
this guy is probably the worst looking PUA next to David X..
makes fun of Mystery Method. I saw him do public speaking. I don't buy that he can pick women up.
This guy is the real deal. He gets beautiful women. Not kidding.
Saw him in Mehow Infield Insider...
He has to be one of the best pickup artists I ever seen infield..
folks speculate that she fucks a lot of PUAs including johny soporno and zan perrion.. but she claims that only one pua that managed to fuck her.. - entropy pua..
One of the best guys infield..
You should have seen him gaming women in Mehow Infield..
is damn fucking good
DJ Fuji is an Asian. He is kinda fat. I heard from people that took his bootcamp. They say he's good. I have no idea. I don't like his hairstyle. I think he is a douche..
But after I saw him in under 21 convention.. he has the best presentation there..
probably the rumors are true..
kezia noble is the hottest chick in the community (probably after afc adam's wife amanda lyons).. i dont know whether she fucks richard la ruina (gambler) from puatraining. chances are she could be fucking with him..